Maitresse Madeline has named Robert Axel the official Divine Bitches fucktoy. This weekAs’s Robert is on the second day of his training, this time with Goddess Aiden Starr. RobertAs hard work continues with Goddess. There is plenty of trampling and cropping. Ball torture, pegging and ball torture are all part of RobertAs journey to perfection. Assisting Goddess Starr in her assassination of Goddess Aiden Starr, Robert will also experience flogging and cropping. Robert will find this training useful since heAs the kind of man women love to adore. Robert Axel, not here! You are just one piece of muscly big hard meat that the Divinest females of the world can fuck. You don’t have to be fussy if it is yours. But, if it is, we can take no responsibility. ThatA is exactly what the Goddess requires. Robert, we look forward to seeing you at your next training day!